What Do the Reports from the Local Records Office Include?
Demographics: Do you know the basic demographic information of the people who live in your community? This information is very important when determining the type of neighborhood in which you live and who it may appeal to. The demographic information presented here offers powerful insights into what constitutes your community in terms of the total population, age, income, and more.
History Report: The history of your community is an important selling factor. Knowing how to properly market your property will depend in part on a strategy that is consistent with the nature of the neighborhood in which you live. For example, a fairly new community means newer homes and residences while older communities emphasize character. Understanding the nature of where you live means having a report about its history.
Crime Report: Criminal activity happens in almost all neighborhoods. However, there are some areas in which crime happens more frequently than others. The information found in this report will highlight the crime that has occurred on your property and in your neighborhood in general. The information presented is broken down into the types of crimes so that you can have the most pertinent information.
This can come in very handy if you live in a region that may have an above-average crime rate, but your neighborhood is experiencing far less crime. Crimes that involve burglaries and forcible entry are the ones that you should focus on when trying to market your property.
Foreclosure Rate: The number of foreclosures in your neighborhood can bring down the value of your property. Unfortunately, many people do not know the number of foreclosures that have happened recently in their community and they may be overestimating the current value of their homes. This report lets you see detailed information about which homes in your area have been recently foreclosed.
Local Schools: The schools in your neighborhood generally have a very strong impact on the value of your home. Well, respected educational institutions that range from pre-school up to high school along with any higher education and vocational schools have a potent impact. The information you’ll find in this report includes the Academic Performance Index (API) which is a general assessment of the schools in your neighborhood. Plus, you’ll get student/teacher ratios, total population, and other pertinent information that you can use.
Additional Information: Anything that is not covered in the other reports is collected here. This provides any information that pertains to the value of your property, including previous owners, the transactions that were made, and other tidbits that may have an effect. While this information may seem minor at first, it may contain something that you can use to market your home.